Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Rose: The Queen of Oils

The rose most commonly used to make essential oil is Rosa damascena, or the Damask Rose.

It can take up to 600 bushels, or up to 36,000 pounds! of rose petals to make 1 pound of rose oil. 😮 🌹 This is one of the reasons that pure rose essential oil is so expensive. 

Luckily, there is also rose absolute oil. It still takes a lot of rose petals to make an absolute, but not as many. An absolute is made by solvent extraction. How solvent distraction works is the plant material is mashed up and mixed with some type of solvent, usually a chemical substance like hexane or benzene. These chemicals attract the essential oil out of the plant material. Then the oil and the chemical are separated.

While it's true that some of the solvent may still be left in the oil, many in the perfume industry and some aromatherapists like absolutes because they are less expensive and easier to obtain.

Rose essential oil is one of the highest vibrating essential oils, and it has many therapeutic benefits. One of the many benefits is it's healing affect on the skin. Rose is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, as well as an astringent. It has healing qualities that are great for aging skin.

Another great benefit of rose oil is that it is a CNS sedative, so it is calming and soothing for the mind. You could try using rose essential oil in a bath, and get the benefits of both its stress relieving qualities and its skin healing attributes! Rose essential oil may also be helpful for balancing hormones during PMS and menopause. Instead of a warm bath, using it in a cooling mist may help soothe hot flashes. 

Rose water has a long history of being distilled for medicinal purposes and beauty rituals. There is some evidence that the people of the ancient Indus valley were distilling floral waters in the fourth century BCE.

Mesopotamian tablets reveal that the art of extracting perfume date from 3500 BCE. Boiling the petals in water was used to release the scent of the roses.

The use of wild roses was confirmed by the medical treatises of the founders of Ayurveda (an Indian system of medicine). Different rose species held unique medicinal properties, and each was allocated an original Sanskrit name that suggested its curative properties.

Rose hips are the fruit of the rose and contain its seeds. Rose hips are very high in Vitamin C. You can use them in cooking and medicinal remedies. You can often find rose hips made into a tasty tea.

The Romans were obsessed with roses. They celebrated the rose in art, gardens, banquets, rituals, architecture, and daily life. This huge obsession came with a high demand. Most Roman roses were grown in Egypt, along the Nile, and in the Middle East.

The Roman Emperor Heliogabalus (c. 203-222 CE) threw a feast to commemorate the start of his reign. He wanted it to be memorable, so at the feast he locked his guests in the banquet room and showered them three times with rose petals. The quantities of petals used was so overpowering that several people actually suffocated under their weight!

Just like the Greeks, the Romans used rose oil for numerous medicinal uses. The Roman Pliny, in 77 CE, recorded thirty-two different medicinal uses for roses. All parts of the flower were used for headaches, earaches, and issues with the mouth, gums, tonsils, stomach, rectum, and uterus.

Rose oil was an early cure for hangovers, as Pliny wrote that the crowns of roses would alleviate the "pain in the head" from wine with "very refreshing effect" (quoted in Potter, The Rose: A True History). Something to keep in mind the next time you have a party coming up!

The Romans weren't the only ones who used roses for medicinal purposes. Islamic medicine had also noted rose water and rose oil's benefits for the eyes, for relieving headaches, and for relieving diseases of the mouth and stomach. And the English botanist John Gerard wrote in his book; Herball, or Generall Historie of Plantes, that rose water and rose oil could help with eye issues, stomach issues, and internal inflammation, specifically constipation and fevers. And as I've already mentioned above, the founders of Ayurveda also recognized the important medicinal benefits of the rose. 

Rose is the Oil of Divine Love

Rose oil is not only a powerful healer of the physical body. It is also a strong spiritual healer. As rose helps to heal the body, it also helps to heal the mind, as rose teaches the need for divine grace and intervention in the healing process.

The Rose is often associated with powerful female figures such as Venus, Isis, and Mary. These three women/goddesses are seen as healers, givers of life, nurturers, and the physical embodiment of love.

Rose is a supportive oil for the Heart Chakra. If you are feeling sad or depressed, massage a couple drops of rose oil over your heart and breathe deeply of the soothing, nourishing scent of the Rose.

Roses come in many different colors, and there is meaning in giving a certain color rose as a gift. Red roses signify passion and desire, pink roses are for love and romance. Yellow roses are for friendship, and white roses for sympathy and compassion. My personal favorites are the pink roses. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tea Tree (Melaleuca): The Oil of Energetic Boundaries

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) essential oil is made by steam distilling the leaves of the plant. Although the leaves are what we use to make the oil, I think the flower of the plant looks pretty cool!

Tea Tree is the more common name for this essential oil, but you can also often find it called Melaleuca.

Tea Tree essential oil has a very sharp, herby-green, kind of medicinal scent. I couldn't imagine using it in a perfume, or even diffusing it alone. Diffusing Tea Tree though is a great way to take advantage of its therapeutic properties as it is an airborne anti-microbial.

Try pairing Tea Tree with citrus oils for a fresh, uplifting scent that also helps cleanse the air.

Here is a diffuser blend I like to use with Tea Tree. This smells great and with the anti-microbial properties this blend has, it does a wonderful job of purifying the air.

Due to its anti-microbial and immune stimulant properties, Tea Tree is a great oil to use for a steam. Steams can be so helpful for nasal congestion. Tea Tree essential oil also has great anti-fungal properties, and can be nurturing for healthy nails and skin. Always make sure to dilute when using.

Tea Tree essential oil is a great oil for the Throat Chakra. It's many therapeutic properties have been shown to support respiratory health, and energetically it can help us to speak up and feel less victimized. Tea Tree is the Oil of Energetic Boundaries.

Tea Tree has disinfectant therapeutic properties, and it also helps to clear out the emotional infections caused by negative energy. Tea Tree can help us clear out the toxic relationships we may have formed in our lives.

The negative emotions Tea Tree assists with: poor boundaries, weak-willed, drained, emotional toxicity, and toxic relationships.

Crystals that pair well with Tea Tree oil would be stones that support the Throat Chakra, such as turquoise, or other blue stones.

Some of the positive properties of Tea Tree: it helps support healthy energetic boundaries; encourages respectful connections; and helps us to feel empowered, resilient, and safe.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)

Rosemary is a common herb to use fresh or dried in many culinary dishes, but it is also an excellent essential oil to use in aromatherapy. 

Rosemary (rosemarinus officinalis) essential oil is made by steam distilling the little needle-like leaves, as well as the flowers, of the plant.

Rosemary essential oil has many therapeutic benefits including being anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Due to its antibacterial properties, Rosemary is a good oil to diffuse, as it may help purify the air.

Another therapeutic property of Rosemary essential oil is that it is a stimulant to the Central Nervous System.

Inhaling the scent of, or receiving a massage with Rosemary can increase alertness and focus, and increase breathing rate and blood pressure. 

Energetic properties of Rosemary: The Oil of Knowledge and Transition

Rosemary can assist us with the gathering of true knowledge and intelligence. It challenges us to look further and deeper than we normally would and ask more soul-searching questions.

Rosemary is supportive to those who have learning disabilities.

Rosemary aids us in adapting to times of change. It supports us to feel confident and assured during challenging times.

Positive energetic properties of Rosemary: mental clarity, knowledgeable, teachable, enlightened, open to new experiences, ability to adjust.

Energetically, Rosemary is the oil of knowledge and transition. It can help support us in times of change and the pursuit of knowledge.

There isn't just one type of rosemary essential oil. Rosemary essential oil can come in different chemotypes, such as Rosmarinus officinalis ct. 1,8 cineole or Rosemarinus officinalis ct. camphor.

What the heck is a chemotype?

A chemotype is a separate version of a plant that has the same genus and species, but due to environmental conditions has created different chemical constituents. Not all plants create chemotypes, but Rosemary is one that does.

Because the different chemotypes of Rosemary have different chemical constituents, they are also going to have different therapeutic benefits. It's important to know which chemotype you want to use.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021



Peppermint essential oil is wonderful for your digestive system. Having some indigestion? Put a drop of oil in a glass of water to drink or in a capsule. Inhale the aroma of peppermint to help with feelings of nausea. For bloating or gas, you can rub a couple drops of peppermint essential oil on your abdomen. Starting above your belly button, massage gently in a clockwise motion (with 12 o'clock being at the spot above your belly button).

By the way, I don't recommend getting it in your eye. LOL I've accidentally done this! And while I was driving! I pulled over right away and luckily my husband was in the passenger seat and able to kind of take over. In the midst of my freaking out I tried to explain to him what had just happened and it came out as, "My eye! It's so squinty, and minty!" We've laughed forever about this, and often refer to it as the time I got the 'Ole Minty Eye. 

Peppermint essential oil can really perk up your mood! It contains menthol, which can bring circulation to your head and stimulate clarity and motivation.

Put one or two drops in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, and then breathe deeply of the refreshing aroma. This is especially helpful to do in the morning if you're still feeling sleepy, or whenever you need a pick up.

Peppermint essential oil is the Oil of a Buoyant Heart.

Peppermint can bring joy to our hearts and uplift us out of times of discouragement and fear. It is good to use for a short reprieve, but not as a crutch. Let the power of peppermint help you through rough waters, but do not become dependent on it.

The positive energies of Peppermint: optimistic, joyful, relieved, strength to face emotional fear.

Energetically, peppermint pairs well with: Tangerine, Lime, Red Mandarin

Peppermint would be a good oil to use for the solar plexus chakra, as it is such a helpful oil for the digestive system, and it is generally uplifting to the spirit.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Roman Chamomile: The Oil of Spiritual Purpose


To often we fear that if we follow our dreams we will fail and become destitute. Roman Chamomile oil can help us shed the meaningless activities that take up too much of our time, and help us to focus on what matters as far as accomplishing our goals. Sometimes even goals for the soul. Roman Chamomile eases the overactive ego-mind and restores confidence to keep us on the path of achieving what we were put on this earth to do. 

Roman Chamomile essential oil is made by steam distilling the petals of the flower. It's emotional, or energetic qualities are that it may reduce anxiety and calm and soothe an over-active mind. Therapeutically, Roman Chamomile is great for the skin and may help to reduce inflammation. 

You may be more familiar to using Chamomile as an herb in tea. Chamomile tea is calming for the mind, helpful for digestion, and tasty! 

In plant lore Chamomile symbolizes "patience in adversity". In ancient Rome, soldiers would use Roman Chamomile essential oil for courage before battle. 

This daisy-like flower is sometimes called the "plant physician" because it has positive effects on plants growing nearby. 

The scent of Roman Chamomile makes me think of apples and honey. In perfumery it is a middle note, with hints of green, floral, herbal, balsamic, and vanilla. 

In tarot, Chamomile is associated with the Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords symbolizes the expansion of thoughts, enlightenment, and illumination. But, like with all double-edged swords, there is always another side to things. We must guard that our confidence and determination do not turn into aggressiveness and selfishness.  

Friday, May 7, 2021

Eucalyptus: The Oil of Wellness

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata)

It probably comes as no surprise that Eucalyptus would be the oil of Wellness, as it's a common go-to oil for aromatherapists when dealing with illness. Especially illnesses such as colds, congestion, and allergies. Eucalyptus has a strong influence on the throat, both physically and emotionally and it's a strong supportive oil for the Throat Chakra. 

Emotionally, Eucalyptus is supportive for those who are often getting sick. It is not only a helper for these individuals actual physical ailments but also for the emotional baggage of feeling that they are "always sick", or "I can't ever seem to get better", or "I only get attention when I'm sick". Eucalyptus helps with the confidence to let go of these beliefs and break the cycle of being ill. 

Eucalyptus is most commonly associated with Australia, where it's a favorite food of koalas! But Eucalyptus is also found in Spain, China, and I've even seen it grown places here in the U.S. The essential oil of Eucalyptus is made by distilling the oil of the leaves. 

Eucalyptus has a fresh, clean, green scent and is a common essential oil used in spas. Dried Eucalyptus leaves and branches are beautiful in floral arrangements. 

One of my favorite ways to use eucalyptus is with a steam. This can be super helpful if you're feeling congested.

Put one drop of therapeutic grade eucalyptus essential oil in a steaming bowl of hot water. Place the bowl on a table and sit in front of it, leaning over the bowl. Drape a towel or blanket over your head, also enclosing the bowl, so that you're trapping the steam inside your towel "tent". Relax and breathe deeply!

Make sure to be careful with the hot water, and don't use more than one drop of the oil.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Lavender - The Oil of Communication and Calm


Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) is one of the most commonly used essential oils. It’s the one to have on hand for any number of issues, and one I always recommend is a good oil to start with if you’re just getting interested in using aromatherapy.

In Medieval times, there was some debate on how Lavender influenced love. Some people claimed that wearing it would help keep the wearer chaste, while other people thought it had aphrodisiac qualities that would create the opposite effect!

Lavender essential oil has a familiar herbal, floral, green scent. It has both sharper, almost camphor like notes as well as softer, powdery notes. A lot of people like the scent of Lavender, but I actually know some people who can't stand it! Synthetic Lavender scent can sometimes be too powdery, but actual Lavender is more fresh and earthy.

Many people associate Lavender with feelings of calm and tranquility. Lavender actually has properties that are sedative to the Central Nervous System, so enjoying the scent of Lavender really does help you relieve stress!

Lavender is one of my go-to oils for helping with better sleep. Spray a couple spritzes of this on your pillow before bed and drift away.

Cozy Night Linen Spray

(Combine all ingredients in a 2 oz. spray bottle)

14 drops Wild Orange or Bergamot

10 drops Cedarwood

20 drops Lavender

Fill the rest of the bottle with spring water

Shake before each use

Make sure you use either a glass bottle or a plastic bottle that is essential oil safe. Some EO's can actually eat through plastic and make a big mess.

Energetically, Lavender is the oil of communication and calm. It helps us to say what we really want to say despite the fear of being seen and heard. It helps unblock withheld expression and dissipate the stress of potential rejection. Lavender encourages emotional honesty and open communication.

Lavender is a Heart Chakra oil. Apply a drop to your heart and/or at the nape of the neck to encourage an open heart.

Lavender essential oil has anti-bacterial properties. I sometimes put a drop or two on a cut or scrape, after washing with soap and water. For healing support, Lavender works well with Frankincense and Helichrysum. Note that this only works with therapeutic grade essential oil. Synthetic fragrance oils will not have the same chemical properties.

Lavender is a common scent used in perfume making. It is a Middle Note, part of the body of a perfume and is considered an enhancer, modifier, and equalizer. It has an intensity of 2. Lavender blends well with a lot of oils. Almost all citrus oils go well with Lavender as well as floral scents like geranium. I also like lavender with woodsy notes and earthy scents.


- doTerra.com

- Aromahead Institute

- Modern Essentials, Sixth Edition

- Emotions and Essential Oils, A Reference Guide to Emotional Healing, 2017 Sixth Edition

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)

  Cardamom essential oil is a wonderfully supportive oil for your digestive system. It is made from steam distilling the seeds of the cardam...